Championing Arizona's Future: A Commitment to Constitutional Empowerment

A Vision Rooted in the American Dream

I am deeply rooted in the principles of the Constitution and our founding fathers' vision: a country where freedom reigns and every voice matters. As a first-generation American, my life story embodies the boundless opportunities America provides. From my grandparents' struggles with poverty to my own success in business, and my son's journey to West Point, our family's story is a testament to the American dream. My wife, whose father served in the Air Force, has significantly advanced our nation through her work in aerospace and civil projects, showcasing the power of American ingenuity and perseverance.

My grandfather's journey from a coal miner to an electrician set the stage for our family's legacy. His grit and dedication inspire my commitment to serve and represent, paying homage to the ideals of our founders and the dreams of the people I aim to represent.

I pledge to serve our nation by honoring the Constitution, championing the values of liberty, diligence, and possibility. Together, we will forge a future that embodies the very best of America's promise.